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  • Writer's pictureKristin Cheatwood

How to custom organizing Lego for everyone in your house.

As OCD diagnosed, I have found it to be quite challenging to keep my house completely organized and in a very specific order while Single Parenting a 5 year old.

This has certainly applied to our Lego collection! I have found a solution that works for us and hopefully for you as well!

Allow Lego to be Organized in a Way that Works for Every Lego Lover in Your House.

Jack has his bins of Lego and I have mine. If you think that this many Lego are expensive, here's my post on how to get quality Lego for the cheapest price! Mine are organized by part and stay in my bedroom and Jack knows that they are not to be mixed. Jack has his own set, in his bedroom, that he likes to have organized by color.

How I Organize MY Lego Collection

I have my Lego organized by part type. I use a mix of Sterilite boxes and tool boxes that you can find here. I have also used my favorite label maker to write a basic description of what is inside each bin. For incoming Lego, they go straight to the bin with the purple lid, unless I plan to sort them right away. This is key in order to not get overwhelmed. I find that letting the bin fill some, then sort while watching a TV show after Jack goes to sleep is the most pleasing way to keep this up.

"Having an Inbound Lego Bin to Store Until Sort is Key in Order to Not Get Overwhelmed."

How Jack Organizes HIS Lego Collection

To help Jack easily find the smaller parts he is looking for in a color collection, I have the deeper bins in his room hold the larger pieces and a smaller Sterilite bin to hold the smaller pieces.

These Lego Organization Methods Actually Encourage Problem Solving.

I must say, it has been a win-win, because when I don’t have a particular color for a part, I go looking in his color bins. If he can’t find a particular part in his color bins, he knows where to find it in mine. This helps us solve each other's problems while keeping two separate sets of loose Lego.

IMPORTANT Consider the Type of Organization Bin Based on The Need and Age of Children in Household.

Setting up your household for fail proof containment and organization with expansion opportunities is very necessary. For my collection, since each part is sorted by type, it makes sense for me to use toolboxes with a lot of little dividers to sort. Jack's color method works great with larger bins. EXTRA important is the age factor: Jack is 5 and he has a several friends who are younger. The slide-out feature of the Sterilite Locking Tower is great, but even better is that you have to push and pull to get the sections out. If he has a friend over for a playdate and the bin gets knocked over, all of the pieces will stay in the bins.

How Do you Organize Your Lego Collections?

Please leave a comment on how you organize your Lego collections.

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